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Student Bursaries & Financial Support

At BMet we want to make sure that everyone is able to study regardless of their financial position. If you join us on a full or part-time course we have a range of financial support packages aimed to take the stress out of study. If you are aged 16 years and over you can apply to the Discretionary Learner Support Fund for assistance with a number of course-related expenses.

You can find more general information about support colleges can provide via the following links, 16-18 leaners inc 19+ with EHCP or 19+ learners.

The level of financial support will depend on your individual circumstances.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions apply. You must be studying an ESFA (Education, Skills Funding Agency) or WMCA (West Midlands Combined Authority) funded course or be in receipt of an Advanced Learning Loan to access bursary support. Speak to a member of your local Student Services team for further details.

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Students Aged 16-18

BMet Bursary

We offer a bursary scheme for those aged 16-18 whose household income is below £35,000 and you must study for a minimum of 2 or more days.  Depending on your individual circumstances and household income you will get help with public transport travel costs, buying equipment, help towards the cost of course related trips and help with the cost of kit or uniform, UCAS fees, University Visits and the cost of printing.  In some cases we are also able to support with the cost of meals are £4.00 per day at college (allowance to be used in our college restaurants and coffee shops) where your income is below £35,000 and you do not meet eligibility criteria for the College Free Meals scheme.

Research shows that students who attend their classes are more likely to do well. Therefore, if you are eligible for one of our bursaries, we expect you to maintain an attendance rate of at least 87% or above to continue to be eligible for financial support.

Care to Learn

This fund has been set up to give financial support to young mothers and fathers who want to continue their education or training and need help with the cost of childcare. You can apply to Care to Learn if:

  • you are under 20 at the start of your course
  • you are using a registered childcare provider
  • you are enrolled onto a funded course

You could also receive extra help towards your travel costs. You apply online for Care to Learn support.

Free College Meals

The college runs a Free meals scheme for eligible learners.  Additional criteria apply, and evidence must be provided at the time of application.  All eligible learners are provided with a £4.00 per day at college allowance, to be used in our college restaurants and coffee shops.

Vulnerable Bursaries

The college is able to offer an additional scheme called Vulnerable Bursary to learners who meet specific criteria.   Don’t forget to tell us about your individual circumstances and provide evidence when you apply for support.

We will be providing for our vulnerable bursary students, wellbeing and academic packs with regular top-up items to ensure that you have all that you need to support their studies.

The wellbeing packs contain various hygiene and toiletry items, and our academic packs contain all the equipment you will need to help your studies be a success.

You must provide evidence of your individual needs, above and beyond the standard support awarded through the 16-18 BMet Bursary at the point of application.

  • you’re in or recently left local authority care
  • you get Income Support or Universal Credit because you’re financially supporting yourself
  • you get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in your name and either Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit
  • you get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your name and either ESA or Universal Credit.

You may get the full amount if you have expenses and study full-time on a course of at least 30 weeks.


16-18 Financial Support Booklet

For full financial support information, you can download BMet financial support booklet here.

Support Booklet 16-18

Students aged 19+ including Advance Learner Loan Bursary

We know that coming back to study after a gap can be daunting and we want to support you every step of the way. So, if you are over 19 with a household income £30,000 or less a year, providing you study for a minimum of 2 days or more. We may also be able to pay your course fees and give you up to 50% of your equipment costs, providing your attendance is over 87%.

We can also provide support for the cost of childcare if you are aged 20+, up to a maximum of £70 per day.

Household income for those in receipt of Child Tax Credit must be below £16,190 and for those in receipt of Universal Credit below £7,400

Free College Meals

Students aged between 19 and 25 will be eligible for a meal allowance if you have a Learning Disability Assessment (LDA), Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan).  If eligible you will be able to purchase a meal using a £4.00 per day at college meal allowance in our college restaurants and coffee shops.

19+ Financial Support Booklet

For full financial support information, you can download each BMet financial support booklet here.

Support Booklet 19+

19+ Advanced Learner Loans

Did you know that if you are 19 or over and applying to study at Level 3 or above, you could be eligible for a student loan?

Click here for more info on Advanced Learner Loans.

Students Enrolled on Higher Education Courses

If you are planning to undertake one of our Higher Education courses you may be able to apply for a loan and grant to support towards your course fees and living costs.

Statement on use of funding

BMet will use the 16 – 19 tuition fund  to further support the following:

  • students without a grade four or above in GCSE Maths and/or English
  • students aged  19 – 24 with SEND and an EHCP

How the funding will be used to support learners:

  • Each student will have a learning plan to record their starting points and track their progress
  • One to one and small group learning and progress discussions with a tutor will ensure each learner stays on track
  • Small group tuition in Maths, English and other subjects that were disrupted during 2020 will help fill gaps in knowledge
  • Online learning via Century Tech will also support learners in areas of English and Maths they are struggling with
  • Additional sessions on study skills will help boost learners’ chances of success in their assignments and exams.

Cost of Living Support

The government has recently launched a new cost of living website which brings government support on offer together in one place so the public can see what support they could be eligible for.

Cost of Living Support – Get government support to help with the cost of living

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