Projects with European Social Fund
Business Elevator
The Business Elevator project is part- funded by the European Social Fund through the European Union.
The Business Elevator project provides support to small to medium sized local employers and micro businesses and is delivered through a partnership of Birmingham Metropolitan College, Solihull College and University Campus and South and City College Birmingham.
Our aim is to help you take your business to the next level, by providing advice and practical support through bespoke service including:
- Training services
- Apprenticeship and recruitment services
- Business mentoring
- Networking opportunities
- Work experience or placements
- Other support services
We will undertake a comprehensive, no obligation organisation needs analysis to fully understand your business requirements and match you with suitable recruitment and training and services or try to find ways to develop your workforce by designing new programmes or preparing students to work in your industry.
Through our partnership with Solihull College and University Campus and South and City College Birmingham, we will be able to identify the right service for you, whatever your organisational needs. The service is provided free of charge , but you must be a small to medium sized employer or micro business (between 1 and 249 employees), located in the Greater Birmingham & Solihull area, with a balance sheet of less than £36m and a turnover of less than £42m.
The information you give us will allow us to design future programmes to better prepare students for working in your industry, find you high quality apprenticeship candidates and support your business to maximise its potential.
We will also be able to provide you information about training services, work placements, apprenticeships and other local offers.
Our dedicated Employment Support Advisors will arrange to meet you and guide you through the process of finding the right service for you.
For further information, please contact the Business Development team on 0121 446 4545.
ESF Business Elevator Case Studies
ESF Business Elevator Good News Story - Pitman Pharmacy
Pitman Pharmacy is a local community pharmacy in Northfields Birmingham, dispensing prescription medicines and a variety of other over the counter medicines. Pitman Pharmacy approached BMet for assistance, as they had a real need to bring a trainee into the business whom they could train the Pitman way and offer a career in the pharmaceutical industry.
Through the ESF Business Elevator project, BMet allocated an Account Manager to Pitman Pharmacy, to support them in identifying the right candidate.
Waffa Mohammed wished to pursue career in Pharmacy as she had spent many years abroad working within the industry. However, as she had never achieved any formal qualifications, this was a barrier to realising her ambition. Upon achieving citizenship within the UK, Waffa’s next step was to enrol on a level 2 Pharmacy Assistant apprenticeship. This was the best route for Waffa, as it meant that she could provide for her family whilst also achieving a formal qualification to allow her to achieve her dream job.
As Pitman Pharmacy was within her community, Waffa was keen to apply for the role of Pharmacy Assistant.
BMet College provided support to both Waffa and Pitman Pharmacy in the selection and recruitment process and Waffa was successful in her application.
Waffa is continuing on her course and is doing very well.
Pitman Pharmacy Director- Kehinde Pitan
“Since taking on Waffa as an apprentice, I have had the opportunity to spend more time on developing my business. Not only has Waffa proven to be a great asset she has also given me the opportunity to bring a mature learner into the business whom I can train the ‘’Pitman way’’ this has meant that I know I have an employee who will do things the right way every time without having to worry.”
Pharmacy Assistant Apprentice- Waffa Mohammed
“I am really happy with my new job and feel it will really help me with my future progression and career opportunities.”
Account Manager – Tony Smith
“I am really happy to have helped this employer find an employee who can add real value to the business.”
The ESF Business Elevator project is a £5m project that is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) until March 2023.
The project provides support to micro, small and medium employers across Birmingham, Solihull, Redditch, Bromsgrove and the Wyre Forest. The project is delivered through a partnership of Birmingham Metropolitan College, Solihull College and University Campus and South and City College Birmingham.
Our aim is to help you take your business to the next level, by providing advice and practical support through bespoke service
For further information, please contact the BMet Business Development team on 0121 446 4545.
This project is part-funded by the European Social Fund through the European Union
ESF Business Elevator Good News Story – Great Barr Dental Practice
Great Barr Dental Practice is a friendly and professional practice serving the community of Great Barr.
Through the ESF Business Elevator project, BMet has been working with the practice over the last 12 months to support Great Barr Dental Practice in developing their workforce.
BMet have recently supported Great Barr Dental Practice in securing a level 3 Dental Nursing apprenticeship for Emily Derrington, who is a long-time patient at the dental practice.
Emily has been a client of the practice since the age of 5 years old. Principal Dentist Sahdia Chaudary stated that she was “delighted to be able to offer the apprenticeship to Emily, as it demonstrates the trust and care that the practice provides its patients which had made a positive impression on her”.
Emily was also equally delighted to be able to start her career in Dental Nursing at her “own dentist”. Emily said that she is “really enjoying the apprenticeship”, including the work she is doing with BMet on her day release at our Matthew Boulton campus. Emily was particularly excited to enter a profession that cares and nurtures its patients, and the health benefits it provides.
Jeremy Clay, Business Development Manager for BMet and Account Manager for Great Barr Dental Practice added “once I heard that Emily had been successful in gaining the position at Great Barr Dental and that she had been a patient there since the age of 5, I couldn’t have been more pleased. Not only is it great to have a young person jumping onto the career ladder, but it’s also particularly special to hear of the precious link between Sahdia and Emily and the bond they have.
“Emily now has the opportunity to develop her knowledge and skills in Sahdia’ s team and to learn in an environment she obviously feels comfortable in, and BMet are here to support her along the way”.
Emily is enrolled onto the level 3 Dental Nurse Apprenticeship with BMet.
The ESF Business Elevator project is a £5m project that is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) until March 2023.
The project provides support to micro, small and medium employers across Birmingham, Solihull, Redditch, Bromsgrove and the Wyre Forest. The project is delivered through a partnership of Birmingham Metropolitan College, Solihull College and University Campus and South and City College Birmingham, who work with employers to develop and upskill their workforce, help make their business more competitive and increase productivity.
Our aim is to help you take your business to the next level, by providing advice and practical support through bespoke service
For further information, please contact the BMet Business Development team on 0121 446 4545.
This project is part-funded by the European Social Fund through the European Union
ESF Business Elevator Case Study Church Street Pharmacy
Church Street Healthcare Limited Trading as Church Street Pharmacy is a community-based pharmacy delivering healthcare support and services to Kidderminster and the surrounding area.
Their core activity is being a hub for the community and especially during the recent Covid-19 pandemic have provided a key service in reassuring the community at a difficult time.
The Directors of the pharmacy have invested heavily in new technology across their companies and are at the forefront of the Pharmacy dispensing industry. BMet are proud to play an important role in supporting the company with the wider view of providing progression routes for current apprentices into technician roles in the future.
Through the ESF Business Elevator project, BMet have built a strong relationship with Church Street Pharmacy over the past 18 months, working closely with the pharmacy Directors to support the recruitment and staff development needs of the pharmacy during the pandemic. The ESF Business Elevator project supports small –to- medium sized local employers and micro businesses in the Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP area to develop and upskill their workforce, help make their business more competitive and increase productivity.
BMet have placed two apprentices within Church Street Pharmacy who are currently working towards their level 2 Pharmacy Services Assistant qualification. Church Street Pharmacy are pleased that their two new team members progressing well, have a keen interest in the pharmacy industry and wish to progress within the business.
The shared goal is to provide sustainable employment with progression routes for their apprentices and BMet are already working with Church Street Pharmacy to plan next steps.
Account Manager (Jeremy Clay) – “It has been a pleasure to work alongside the Directors and Pharmacy staff at Church Street Pharmacy. From my first meeting with Ricky, I was impressed by his level of enthusiasm for providing a solid experience for apprentices joining his company and the level of investment he is putting into new technology such as automatic racking and dispensing systems”.
Director (Ricky Rahania) – “Working with Jeremy and Zeaba from BMet has been a delight, nothing is too much of an issue, I have been extremely impressed with the “speed of action” and the vetting process for apprentices. We have had some really, stellar apprentices come through from BMet and they are doing a great job in your company”.
This project is part-funded by the European Social Fund through the European Union
ESF Business Elevator Case Study - Bennett Landscapes & Maintenance Ltd
Bennett Landscapes & Maintenance Ltd is an experienced and established provider of contracted grounds maintenance supplying a comprehensive range of services to both the Public and Private sectors.
Their core business is grounds maintenance, incorporating both hard and soft landscaping, providing a complete, one-stop management solution. Their aim is to provide a professional service that fulfils their clients’ needs and expectations, whilst delivering top quality work that represents good value for money, delivered within agreed timescales.

Jack, Horticulture Apprentice
BMet have worked with Bennett Landscapes & Maintenance Ltd through the ESF Business Elevator project, which supports small –to- medium sized local employers and micro businesses in the Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP area to develop and upskill their workforce, help make their business more competitive and increase productivity. This project is part-funded by the European Social Fund through the European Union
Bennetts have always valued the role of Apprenticeships in developing their workforce and were keen to work with a provider that took the time to understand their needs and help develop a robust process for engaging and recruiting local individuals who have an interest in horticulture, landscaping and maintenance. Through the ESF Business Elevator project, BMet have built a great relationship with Bennetts and have worked closely with them to secure the right candidates for the business.

Harry, Horticulture Apprentice
Bennett’s currently have six BMet apprentices undertaking Horticulture level 2, who started employment and training in 2020 and are progressing well. They all share a common interest in horticulture and want to progress within the business. Bennett’s goal is to provide sustainable employment with progression routes for their apprentices and BMet are already working with Bennetts to plan next steps.
Bennetts are also working with BMet to develop additional components of the horticulture apprenticeship, to provide additional knowledge and practical skills from other areas within this sector (landscaping, machine maintenance and repairs, etc.) to support their growth in the industry. Bennetts are very passionate about recruiting more apprentices in the following years to come.
Account Manager (Paul McCalla) –“It has been and continues to be a pleasure to support the team over at Bennetts. As our relationship continues to develop we look forward to supporting their apprenticeship development for new and existing staff.
“It was clear from the beginning that Bennetts wanted to create a sustainable apprenticeship model that provided more flexibility within the business and one that continues to provide individuals with the opportunities they previously couldn’t acquire”.
MD at Bennetts (Matt Bennett) – “We want to the development of our apprenticeship programme to impact those who didn’t have the opportunity to join this exciting sector. During these hard times we continue, as a business, to proactively grow and the apprenticeship programme has a major role in that development. Our vision for our current apprentices, in years to come, is to see them train the next generation of apprentices who join Bennetts”.
Key contact – Graham Edwards, Commercial Manager – Bennett Landscapes & Maintenance Ltd