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Science T Level

Level 3 - Advanced

Science T Level

Do you have a passion for science? Looking for a career in the scientific field?

Take the first step in your scientific journey. This progressive program is designed to fuel your passion for science and propel you into a dynamic and evolving field. Equipping you with the theoretical knowledge and the real-life experience giving you the foundational knowledge on your scientific journey. This qualification will give you the skills to advance into skilled employment or continue to pursue further additional technical training at a higher level.

Aiming to prepare you for work and higher-level education/apprenticeships. The purpose of this course is for you to gain the skills for employment or the necessary foundation for higher education or a higher apprenticeship; aligned with the T-Level framework.

Get your lab coat on and get ready to explore, discover, and innovate as you dive into the Science T–Level.



Matthew Boulton College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need a minimum of five GCSEs at grade 5 or above, include English Language, Maths and Double Science at grade 5.

Students who pass all the elements of their T Level will get a nationally recognised certificate showing an overall grade of pass, merit, or distinction. It will also set out the details of what students have achieved on the course.

The T Level certificate will include:

  • an overall pass grade for the T Level, shown as pass, merit or distinction
  • a separate grade for the core component, using A* to E
  • grades for maths and English qualifications
  • details of the industry placement.

Students who achieve this qualification could progress to:

  • Employment
  • Higher education
  • Apprenticeship

Job roles could include laboratory analyst, microbiologist, research scientist, medical laboratory assistant, clinical research assistant, biomedical scientist, data analyst in science, chemical analyst, Pharmacy technicians, health care science assistants and associates, Environmental scientist, and many more in the science industry

You have options to progress to any of these sectors by completing a degree programme after your T levels in Laboratory Science.

We work with companies in the health sector such as hospitals linked to UHB, care homes, Pharmacies,  Universities like BCU, Worcester, Wolverhampton, Coventry and  companies in Ecology and conservation such as Birmingham Canals society; companies who work in environmental areas such as Severn Trent Water company.

  • Core Component (Section A: The health and Science Sector)
  • Core Component (Section B: Science Concepts)
  • Employer Set Project- Core Skills
  • Occupational Specialism- Laboratory Science

All T-level learners will need to complete 315 hours of industrial placement. English, Mathematics, and digital content are embedded and contextualised within the Science qualification content.

Website design and development by Fifteen