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Business National Extended Certificate Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

Business National Extended Certificate Level 3

This course gives students a general introduction to the world of business.  The content allows students the opportunity to investigate different business aspects of the working world.

Knowledge learnt and activities and skills involved in the programme will provide students with a sound background when investigating their future employment and career planning.

This qualification gives learners experience of the breadth and depth of the sector that will prepare them for further study or training. This includes the opportunity for learners to choose several topics from a selection of options reflecting the progression pathways in business.



Matthew Boulton College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

Students will need a minimum of five GCSE subjects at Grade 4/C or above, which must include Mathematics and/or English Language.

Assessment consists of a mixture of exams and course work.

The qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers as, contributing to meeting admission requirements to many relevant courses, for example:

  • BSc (Hons) in Business and Management
  • BA (Hons) and BSc(Hons) in Business Studies
  • BSc (Hons) in International Management.

Learners should always check the entry requirements for degree programmes with specific higher education providers. After this qualification, learners can also progress directly into employment. Areas of employment include junior business roles in marketing, administration, finance, events management, human resources, and other related areas in the business sector, including Higher Apprenticeships.

The learning programme covers the following content areas:

  • business environments
  • finance
  • marketing
  • international business
  • management.

The optional units have been designed to support progression to business courses in higher education, and to link with relevant occupational areas. They cover content areas such as:

  • human resources
  • accounting
  • marketing
  • law.

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