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Geography A Level

Level 3 - Advanced

Geography A Level

Geography is the study of the Earth’s landscapes and the processes that formed them, environments, people and places, and is a subject that bridges the natural and social sciences. It can therefore combine well with a wide range of other subject in these areas, such as biology, chemistry, physics, sociology and politics.

One key focus of current A-Level Geography specifications (particularly in Year 2 of the course) is human geography, and the study of how human populations interact with and impact upon, their environment. Geography is therefore a very relevant subject for students who are interested in Environmental Science and related areas, or simply have an interest in environmental issues.

During the course you can expect to study topics such as: Water and Carbon Cycles, Coastal/Glacial/Hot Desert systems and landscapes, Global systems and governance, Contemporary urban environments and Resource security.

The wide-ranging skills developed by the study of Geography mean that students are highly valued by employers and graduates in Geography related disciplines are usually near the top of graduate employment tables.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 34 Weeks

A minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 4/C or above in academic subjects, including GCSE maths & GCSE English Language, with a grade 5 or above in either maths, English Language and a Science subject or in GCSE Geography.

This two-year course is principally assessed by written examination at the end of two years of study, but does also include a Non-Exam Assessed (Coursework) Component in the form of a Fieldwork Investigation that you will undertake as part of your studies.

Geography is a multi-disciplinary A Level subject, which is very highly valued by universities and by a wide range of HE destinations. A Level Geography can lead directly into further study of subjects such as Geography, Geology Anthropology, Environmental Science, and Ecology & Conservation.

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