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UAL Media Arts Diploma Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

UAL Media Arts Diploma Level 3

Have you got an interest in creating films? Do you look at advertising and feel that you could do better? Do you want to express your creativity through TV, film or print design? Answer yes to any or all of these questions and this is the course for you!

The media industry is waiting for you.

Whether you want to create new social media, magazine designs, feature films, or advertising then this is the course for you. You will use a range of creative arts skills to produce all the elements that go into media production including drawing storyboards, designing and making set design models, props and costumes.

You will use industry standard software for graphic design, animation and editing. If you are the kind of person who looks at the world in a different, more creative way than everybody else then media arts is the route that you need.

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma in Creative Practice: Art, Design and Communication on completion of this course.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

A minimum of four GCSEs at grade C/4 or above including English or maths and an Art, Design or Media related subject, or a level 2 Diploma with Merit grade in Art and Design or Media, plus a portfolio or show reel of art and design or media work.

This programme of study is totally assed by  coursework.  You will be assessed in a variety of ways including your contribution to: practical work, presentations, essays, journals, blogs, tutor interviews, group discussions, short films, storyboards, App designs, visual images, sketchbooks and live film events.

This course leads into a variety of higher education courses – degrees or HNDs where you can continue to study your chosen field.  We have a variety of media and digital based HND courses that may interest you if you choose to continue your studies with us. Most new employees who work in the media industry have a degree or higher but if you choose to look for employment after this course you will find that your digital interactive media skills portfolio will aid you in any media related job.

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