This qualification is a competence-based qualification that aims to provide
learners with the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that are required to
progress onto the L3 Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing. The objective of
this qualification is to focus on gaining knowledge and skills for the world of
work, specifically in the Dental industry. It also encompasses the underpinning
ethics, professionalism, teamwork and communication required to work in the
dental profession. There are no specific prior skills /knowledge a learner must have for this
qualification however it would be helpful for students to have already acquired
a level 2 qualification, with Maths and English with a grade 4 or above. Inductions will however allow for Initial assessments to support each learner
where the additional support is identified and required. Some learners may have
a minimum of grade 4 in Math’s and English and therefore qualify to progress
onto the Level 3 Dental Nursing Apprenticeship but will complete this
qualification until they have a workplace setting arranged. Other students may
complete this qualification whilst they gain their Maths and English.