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Fitness Foundation Diploma Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

Fitness Foundation Diploma Level 3

The Foundation Diploma in Fitness is a one-year level three course is an ideal Fitness based course that prepares students for employment in the fitness industry or to transition to higher education. Following the successful completion of the Foundation Diploma students are qualified gym instructors. They can then progress to the Extended Diploma in their second year after which they are qualified Personal Trainers. These courses are a mixture of both practical and theoretical units with some assessment and grading coming from mainly internal assessments and some external assessments. The majority of the work you will do will involve written assessments, practical work and presentations. This course is ideal if you wish to work in fitness but want to keep a door open to at higher education. It will give you the choice of progressing to employment or on to university.

This course gives you the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin study of the fitness sector, and giving you additional breadth and depth to prepare fully for further study, training or work in the industry.

This course includes the opportunity to study a wide range of topics in Fitness.

Mandatory units:

  • Careers in Sport and Active Leisure Industry (Fitness)
  • Health, Wellbeing and Sport (Fitness)
  • Fitness Skills Development (Students will Complete the Gym Instructing Qualification in this Unit)
  • Self-employment in Sport and Physical Activity (Fitness)

Optional Units covered are:

  • Nutrition for Physical Performance
  • Fitness Testing

This qualification is equivalent in size to 1.5 A levels, and it has been designed as a one year full time study programme and can be used to progress to the Extended Diploma in the second-year of a study. In the 2nd year of the study programme, students will complete the qualification required to be a Personal Trainer within the course programme. In addition, in year 2 there will be opportunities to study ‘bolt on’ courses e.g. Exercise to Music; Kettlebells; Spin Cycling; Circuit Training in preparation for leading classes.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English & maths. An interest in the Fitness Industry will be assessed at interview. In addition a positive school reference with good levels of attendance and punctuality will also be required.

The units studied are internally assessed by a range of methods including coursework, work books, projects, research tasks, practical tasks and presentations etc.

On completion of this qualification successfully in year one, may apply to progress to continuing onto the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport in their second year. This qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers as meeting, or contributing to, admission requirements for many relevant. Students will be offered accreditation to REPS (student affiliation) which will allow them to gain employment in the Fitness Industry e.g. Gym Instructor, Personal Trainer etc.

Unit A – Careers in Sport & Active Leisure

Unit B: Health & Wellbeing

Unit C2 – Fitness Skills Development

Unit 2: Self Employment

Unit 4: Nutrition

Unit 8: Fitness Testing

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